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Monday, September 28, 2009

Cbast DEV-Time

Cbast is currently working on two mapping-project in the same time . This is two new abstract map with original design ! fzk_spays-chip and fzk_skydhomme are names of those creations . Now let's take a look on screenshots (click to zoom) :

Some other DEV-News will follow !

Monday, September 7, 2009


This is the first official map of the MOD ! This abstract map looks very simple in appearance , but when the game starts it become a real battlefield . More of 20 building composed by more than 400 physic blocks . Each player's actions can change radically the map and the game-play of it . See for yourself (screenshot are basicly for french websites and forum : Avant means before and Apres means After) :


 And you can download the official music-theme of this map :

Enjoy !

Sunday, September 6, 2009

What is Fizickz ?

Fizickz is a Half-Life² Death-Match modification based on a full adaptation to a physic environment . This MOD is currently developed by the Developing Trust Team ( a level designer team based on CS:S : Dogers : Project-leader , level-designer and compositor ; Cbast : Level-designer , textures-maker and movie-maker ; Kenny : level-designer and modeler . We plan to make an accessible game for low-quality computers and innovating and fun game-plays . In order to improve your game-experience , each maps of this MOD will be based on a physic environment , for instance , players can destroy thier environment and use it to break down thier enemies ! Each round will be unique ! Cbast made a Trailer in order for you enjoy the first game-plays possibility and innovations :

We'll work hardly to makes the MOD downloadable as soon as possible !